Editing & Proofreading
Do you need someone to check your translated files for accuracy?
Editing is not a simple task. Terminological consistency as well as a harmonious writing style and tone are crucial in order to boost the cohesive aspects of the translated text, especially when it comes to large documents that have been translated by a large team of multiple translators coming from different backgrounds and with dissimilar preferences.
Fluid communication and continuous feedback are essential between the editor and the client – any recent updates in stylistic or content preferences should be read by the editor in order to provide the best results that are adapted to the client's needs. Besides, the editor acts as a bridge with the translation team if further documents related to the same subject matter are coming in the near future: this will help them be on the same page for future projects.
Proofreading requires more than just adjusting text boxes. The layout of the newly translated text will have to be resized based on the additional 25% of Spanish translations on average. This creates new challenges associated to titles, paragraphs, charts, keys, buttons, and quotes that need to be adapted.
Usually, the original brochures and documents are not created with such flexible layout and will require further assistance from an experienced proofreader. This is usually the last linguistic check before print or web publishing, so every detail has to be reviewed by somebody with attention for detail.